Realty Partner


Sobha Altus 106

Discover unparalleled luxury at Sobha Altus 106, offering spacious 3 and 4 BHK apartments on the prime Dwarka Expressway in Gurugram. With prices starting from Rs. 4.7 Cr, this under-construction project by Sobha promises a blend of elegance, comfort, and modern amenities, crafted for those who seek a refined lifestyle in a prime location.

Sobha Altus 106 combines contemporary design with high-quality construction, featuring thoughtfully designed layouts and luxurious finishes. Nestled in a vibrant community, these apartments ensure convenient access to key destinations in Gurugram and Delhi, providing residents with both tranquility and connectivity.

Key Highlights:

  • Premium 3 and 4 BHK apartments with luxurious interiors
  • Prices starting from Rs. 4.7 Cr
  • Located on Dwarka Expressway, offering excellent connectivity
  • Amenities include a state-of-the-art clubhouse, swimming pool, fitness center, and landscaped gardens
  • Under construction, with emphasis on quality, privacy, and comfort

Experience a sophisticated living environment at Sobha Altus 106, where every detail is designed to elevate your lifestyle.

Property Info


  • # Starts from Rs 4.7 Crore

Current Status

Under Construction





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